World Outside The Class

Excursion is the way to ideation.

Sitting everyday in the classroom and studying, learning and writing can never be fulfilling. Children need more than just that. A walk into the nature, hearing chirpy songs of the bird or a trip into the past at the local museum or a hands-on practical experience to a place where they can learn directly what they read about, all these make the young children feel happy and satisfied.

Keeping this in mind, Maxfort arranges excursion trips for the little ones. Excursions support the learning that happens in the classroom. They work as an education for independence preparing the young ones not just for academics, but also for life.

Local excursion trips for small children, according to the theme of the week, are organized at Maxfort regularly. The children love the trips, laughing together, running around and enjoying the freedom. They also gain knowledge and have lots of fun.

At Maxfort, we are very concerned about the safety and care of the young ones. Before every excursion trip, it is ensured that a consent form is sent to the parents and duly signed by them. The children are accompanied by reliable teachers, a medical in-charge and an attendant in every trip.

Training of the character of the young ones, excursions at Maxfort are truly inspiring.

A Day at Maxfort

Focusing on offering liberal, stress-free education to children, Maxfort has set new standards in the sector. Ensuring multi-faceted development of children including physical, mental and spiritual growth, Maxfort follows an integrated approach to education.