-Ian Brennan
Invoking Imagination and Creating wonders with colors and brushes, is what is taught under Art and Craft at Maxfort, a well known pre primary School. As the blooming artists create something new and different every time, they look forward to participate in such exciting sessions. Besides, it opens doors to improve their visual, tactile and other sensory experiences.
The students learn to identify and communicate their raw ideas, thoughts and feelings through various drawings and paintings. As they craft different shapes from paper or by using different beads or clays, the young artisans enhance their intelligence and confidence. Complimenting their academic subjects and mathematical skills, art and craft thus plays a tremendous role in the development of the little minds.
The instructions and directions of the expert Art and Craft facilitators make the children learn the life-long lesson of working in discipline, as well as in groups.
With the best infrastructure and facilities for pre primary children, we help to nurture and develop children holistically focusing not only on academics but also character building and creative growth. With several extracurricular activities such as Art and Craft, Music, Dance, Theatre, Sports and swimming woven into the curriculum the students develop into integrated personalities who have the capability to take on life in every sphere!!